Archive for February, 2012

Review of The Wolf Gift- Anne Rice

Posted: Sunday, 26 February, 2012 by deacongray in Uncategorized

After a trip down Catholic lane, Anne Rice returns to the horror genre with what might seem the logical step in her progression through the classic field. Witches, Vampries, Ghost, Mummy’s and now…Werewolves. With a release date of Feb 14th, it is not what one might consider when they think about an Ann Rice book, but with the flavor of the novel being a classic horror romance, it is more fitting then one might think.

Reuben Golding is the main character, a handsome young wealthy gentleman reporter with a winning smile that was meant for TV. Despite having everything in life laid out for him on a silver platter, Reuben stuggles with self identity as his girl friend and mother struggle to keep him their “Sunshine Boy.” and “Baby Boy”

Reuben, however, wants more from life then just to be another trust fund baby, and with his career as a reporter starting to shine, he ends up on the California Coast interviewing an exotic older lady about her estate, and he quickly falls for her and the estate. After a night of passion, climaxes, an evening of violence ensues and our sunshine boy finds himself at deaths door with a creatures paw on his back as everyone else dies around him.

The Wolf Gift is a great return for Anne Rice in the realm of romantic horror. Everything she was best known for is seen in this novel, the bright descriptions, the impressive back stories and research, all in all a very well written piece.

If you are a fan of Anne Rice you will not be disappointed, it is nice to see her come back from the less them impressive Blackwood Farm, and Blood Canticle, and the dry, nearly insomnia breaking Jesus books.




After a trip do…

Posted: Sunday, 26 February, 2012 by deacongray in Uncategorized

After a trip down Catholic lane, Anne Rice returns to the horror genre with what might seem the logical step in her progression through the classic field. Witches, Vampries, Ghost, Mummy’s and now…Werewolves. With a release date of Feb 14th, it is not what one might consider when they think about an Ann Rice book, but with the flavor of the novel being a classic horror romance, it is more fitting then one might think.

Reuben Golding is the main character, a handsome young wealthy gentleman reporter with a winning smile that was meant for TV. Despite having everything in life laid out for him on a silver platter, Reuben stuggles with self identity as his girl friend and mother struggle to keep him their “Sunshine Boy.” and “Baby Boy”

Reuben, however, wants more from life then just to be another trust fund baby, and with his career as a reporter starting to shine, he ends up on the California Coast interviewing an exotic older lady about her estate, and he quickly falls for her and the estate. After a night of passion, climaxes, an evening of violence ensues and our sunshine boy finds himself at deaths door with a creatures paw on his back as everyone else dies around him.

The Wolf Gift is a great return for Anne Rice in the realm of romantic horror. Everything she was best known for is seen in this novel, the bright descriptions, the impressive back stories and research, all in all a very well written piece.

If you are a fan of Anne Rice you will not be disappointed, it is nice to see her come back from the less them impressive Blackwood Farm, and Blood Canticle, and the dry, nearly insomnia breaking Jesus books.

The Xepera P 1

Posted: Saturday, 25 February, 2012 by yamihikarinokuuki in Uncategorized

Our community is unique. It explores the “taboo” of common dayside society and indulges on our inner cravings and needs to a point. It also gives us a place to reveal our true selves, what we mask daily to go about our lives but at night, away from the day job, the day friends, we unleash. So many have come to find solace in this that it has developed even into a sub-culture all of its own.

It is imperfect though, our nightside society. There is still prejudice between kins, within the vampire kin itself, and even the processes of awakenings and siring; arguments that have just the same prejudice as the dayside community’s arguments over skin color or birthplace.

The community came publicly into being in the 1990s and has been referred to as one of finding your true self and reaching your full potential, a place where you awaken in your own way and everyone has something to add, something of their very own that can’t be duplicated. In celebration of this, we asked the community to share their awakenings with us and their views:



2. The act of awaking from sleep

3. A revival of interest or attention

4. A recognition, realization, or coming into awareness of something.

5. A renewal of interest in religion, especially in a community; a revival.”



Porita is a hybrid of Vampyre, Mermaid, and Fae who lives in Californa and has been involved with the community for 7 years.

How old where you when you first realized that perhaps you weren’t like the rest?

I was sort of a late bloomer. I was around 30 when I discovered about being a vampire,  I grew up with psychic abilities from a young age, But never saw myself as vampiric in nature.

What was it like realizing you had abilities when you were young that others didn’t?

Confusing. To me it was natural, but others would see me as a freak. My church excommunicated me for asking too many questions and called me a witch.

And what kind of questions did you ask if you don’t mind answering?

I basically asked how could Satan be red and have a pitch fork, if the bible said that he was the most beautiful angel in heaven. Similar things cropped up over the years, I was only ten at the time

What was it like through the years growing like that, did you feel like it was a burden?

Yes, because I often had to lie to not only me but everyone, I never could be myself.

Except when I got older and discovered other witches if one prefers to call it that, but even then I had to keep that part secret, I ended up losing my children because of it.

Losing your children?

Yes, when my ex husband discovered that I was practicing Wicca he told the welfare, they said that it was an unsafe environment for my children.

I am sorry to hear that

I wonder what they would think now. Thank you, It is not easy.

You said you discovered being a vampyre at 30, what lead to that discovery?

I started having dreams of vampires. A man coming to me and letting me feed. It was bizarre; I never had a fascination with vampires growing up. Never went through a Gothic phase, though I did like to wear black, so it came as a shock for me to start having these dreams.

I moved to Houston to be with this Gothic man down there. That relationship ended fairly quickly. But I did meet some cool people there. After that I started admitting that I must be a vampire. I  tasted my first blood down there, and noticed that my eyes would burn from direct sunlight. Nothing like catching on fire, just an ache in the eyes.

What was it like admitting to this, was it as difficult as being a witch or different?

No, this was more out there. At least with being a witch, more people were accepting.  Most people were I should say.

How did you come to realize you also had Fae and Mermaid within you? What was that realization like? Was it easier than admitting to the vampyre side?

I came to realize it about the same time, may be a year or so before or after. It was a little easier to admit that I was Fae or mermaid because most just accept that as part of paganism.

How so?

A lot overlaps with the Wiccan aspect, but when you mention Vampirism people tend to see that as evil.

More so than Wiccan.

Were there any dreams like the vampirism or any little quirks during the time?

Just the fact that I was constantly brushing my hair, it was almost like an obsession. Yes, I had some dreams but nothing as substantial as the vampire dreams.

So it was more or a sense knowing?


What has life been like since growth wise?

I find that I am constantly growing in this knowledge. There are always new questions to ask from people who have walked it longer. I never stop learning. It remains a struggle with being myself. Unfortunately you cannot walk down the street every day in Gothic clothing without someone looking at you weird. Going to the clubs is one thing, but to walk down the street is hard.

That would be the reason the separation of dayside and nightside for most, how would you describe the community?

I immensely love the community. They have helped me a lot. My only problem is having to weed out those who like playing a vampire. Not everyone is what they say they are, usually those are the ones who claim they never die or they want you to turn them. They do it for the coolness factor

And would you have any advice for those going through their awakenings?

My advice would be to seek out those who have already been there to help understand what is happening. It is not wise to go through it alone.

Thank you for your time.”


 “Southernwolf is a wolf kin living in Pennsylvania who has been part of the community since his teens, and now at age 42, has plenty of experience to share.

How young were you when you first realized, “hey, I’m a bit different.”?

I think I’ve always known. But by grade school as early as second grade I knew I was different. I could tell I didn’t fit in.

What told you you didn’t?

No one. I wasn’t the type of person you would say that too, but I could see that what interested other people was different from me. My curiosities were more morbid.

By junior high and high school I really felt out of place and did get ostracized and found safety in the punk and Goth crowd.

What did they ostracize you for exactly?

I enjoyed poetry, art, had a fascination with death, other cultures, religions and being gay was a big factor as well. I suppose I was typical where dress was concerned for Goths at the time.

But even beyond looks, it was my not wanting to buy into the norm that set me apart. I found the cliques dreadful and I was in the position to be a part of them. I just couldn’t see the purpose in that sort of social structure.

In junior high I was already trying out Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, I tried finding myself in anything and everything. I think for most people that sort of self discovery is a bad thing. It’s much easier at that age to just try to fit in.

But the Wolf was always there. That I felt as a child.

The wolf?

I think my being a Wolf, I suppose people equate it with Werewolf and there are similarities, but I often like many of my kind just refer to Wolf as a complete identity.

“I am Wolf.”

It’s just a matter of semantics I suppose.

And how did you feel connected to the wolf? How did you come to realize that “hey, I’m a wolf”?

I was always raised around dogs. I grew up in a sort of rural area so we had feral dogs and our own dogs. I found myself more attracted (not in a sexual sense) to them than people. I remember hearing my first Wolf howl on television. I don’t remember how. But I just remember that instance where my body seemed to feel a longing that was of such great depth.

The more I read of them, watched them in movies and on TV, I simply knew that I was from them.

My father is Creek. He grew up in a children’s home and never knew his people. I always felt that in many ways. I was brought up by people not of my kind and was fortunate enough to have discovered my heritage.

And that is Creek, as in Muskogee, not Greek.

Creek was your blood related father?

No, he is from the Creek tribe of native Americans.

Ah, did you ever have any animalistic urges that they speak of in the lore? The urge to howl or such?

Sure. I have a very predatorily nature. I have primal urges that I keep in check. They come out in my sexuality but there is that need to hunt. I walk in a crowd and smell prey. It can be brutal and primal but there is also a great sense of loyalty and honor that comes from the Pack nature.

And what would be considered prey to you?

Prey to me sexually is simply that which I desire. Prey in the broader sense is sheeple in general.


Maybe that is a Wolf thing. Our word for “people”.

Would people include otherkin and the such?

Never.  At least not for me.

You have Wolves and those who like Wolf play. It’s the difference between a part-timer and a lifer.

How would you define a wolf player?

Someone who simply likes the Wolf as an identity like some furries (though I know furries who are truly Wolf) or people who like to role play as red-riding hood and the big bad wolf. Or people who just have a fetish for the whole shape shifting thing or the transformation.

I have great respect for people who have the Wolf as a spirit guide or totem. But they are not Wolf.

Just as with the Vamp community – Twilight makes me ill.

Was it difficult at all to adjust to having the identity of a wolf in your life?

Not at all. I was lucky through the punk and alternative clubs to have found a Pack. I lost many of them over the years so am Lone now. But Wolves are clever at navigating being 24/7 ourselves without feeling odd. It’s mostly just a sense of frustration and irritation.

Frustration and irritation?

I do know some Brothers and Sisters who have a harder time.

Just a frustration that people so blindly walk about accepting fate and circumstances as a given, people who have no dignity, sense of loyalty, collectivism. It is hard to deal with people who aren’t Wolf because they think in such individualistic terms.

For me the world is “mine” and “not mine”. Things are very simple.

I know my territory and what I mark. It is confusing to me when I deal with fickleness. Not with the little things. Everyone even Wolves can be fickle with tastes and preferences. But I mean just that empty sort of fickleness at having no purpose or true sense of self.

Could you give an example to what you mean by blindly walking about accepting fate?

A man wakes up, hits the alarm, gets dressed, kisses the kids and heads into work bitching about the weather or whatnot. He doesn’t think that the moment he opens his eyes, each of those acts is a conscious decision. He just assumes it’s what I “have to do”. It’s just “making a living”. A Wolf knows that nothing is a given. Each movement is a choice and there is a keen awareness of how those choices impact and ripple to others. It is the Pack mindset. A Wolf always thinks of the Pack first. There is “mine” and “not mine” but that is only in the sense of belonging to something. The Pack, my Brothers and Sisters, our fellow kin, they are our self-awareness. Without them, we cease to be.

So I don’t understand sheeple who simply narrowly live life to get by, just walk through their day with a sense of routine that is absent of a bigger understanding.

So you feel they’re not reaching their potential?

They reach their potential in as much as it is possible for them to. They were born empty of spirit and simply borrow from our kin to be full. They adopt our natures never realizing where those natures first arose. They long ago forgot our kin and turned us into idols that mirrored their own sense of being.


We are their demons and what good they found in us they made into Gods.

Do you think it’s possible for a sheeple to reach a higher potential? Such as witches and such?

Yes. They see us as not simply demons but the essence of life itself.

They are not sheeple.

How would sheeple borrow from otherkin to be full?

It’s a long story, but man looked at the creatures around him before our recorded time began, he borrowed from them the tools to survive such as hunting. He found greater sense of the Earth through our harmony and then began to group and order himself according to what he observed.

It is in the nature of man to mimic, it is in his ignorance to forget the source.

How would you say life is now for you, growth and learning wise?

There are not many true Wolves around. I am lucky to know enough of them and have met more online to feel a connectedness to my kind. I always continue to learn from both my own and my kin. I think that we are beginning to grow into communities and rediscover what was lost to us. Life is as always a wonder.

I think that for our being “dark”, we tend to often be the most positive at times

Indeed, is there anything you’d like to say to others going through awakenings?

I think many can awaken through the our portrayals in books and film, but once that spark has started an ember it is time to find the reality behind the myth. I think the best advice is to find an elder who can untangle the “trendy” from the truth.

Thank you very much for your time and sharing your story with us.”


Jedah is a Broohah [a violent warrior type vampire] who’s been involved in the New York community for 20 years.

How young were you when you first realized that you weren’t exactly “normal”?

11years old, the only thing back then and now. Was. I did not know the different between vampire and lyicans. I thought you’re vampire side only show’ed when a full moon was around, but thank my dad for teaching me the difference.

Your dad taught you?

Yeah, the head of clan.

How did you know you were a vampyre? What happened to make you realize you were?

Well I always felt I was but I got more in tune with it when I was in my late 20’s after my ex broke my heart.

What happened?

Well after being engaged for a year and making plains to pick a church and stuff like that I found out she was already married. After, my Broohah side kicked in more you would say,  because after that I became more. Tuff, stronger on side in other words: Jedah was not laying down taking the crap any more.

When you came more into it how did your father react?

My vamp father or my birth father?

The one that taught you

Well that would be my vamp father, at  the time I meet him my vamp side was already in full bloom. He just did, a lil extra fine. Running.

And what is the clan name?

House Omega

Did you have difficulty adjusting to being a vampyre?

Nope I kind love the adjustment

How is life different now than before your awakening?

I’m would say I don’t get walked all over any more. And I’m much better in the bed rooms.

Do you have any advice for those going through an awakening?

Hmmm, once you figure it out, you’re way you are the way you are,  don’t half as it when it comes  to your name. Your blood Line don’t half ass it do the work that needs to be done

Thank you for your time and sharing your story with us.”


Snowangel is a hybrid psi/sang vampire in Ontario, Canada, the North West of the state currently lacking a large community.

You mentioned earlier that you’ve known since you were young what you are, how young were you?

As far back as I can remember whenever I got a cut or scratch or something, the first thing I did was suck the blood.  As I got older the desire got greater.  The psi, I just always did, I had to teach myself to control it.

So it was always just a part of you? Where there any events that occurred that really made you notice, “Hey, I’m different”?

Not many of my friends …ok all of my friends always got weirded out by the blood thing so that was my first hint.  The fact that I could connect more with people than most, as I grew older and experienced more and strong needs; I started looking into things.

By connect more with people, what do you mean?

I don’t know really.  Some I could let get close and some would set off what I finally started labeling “red flags” and most often the warnings were right.

So you had a greater sense of others’ essence; what did “red flags” typically feel like or what let you know to stay away?

It was just a ..I don’t know how to put it to words a shudder or prickly avoid that person feeling.

As you got older you said your needs got stronger, how did those compare to when you were younger?

I expect it was more that I understood more.  I find I need to feed more, be it one way or the other than when I was younger.  Looking back, I expect now it was always there, I just didn’t know how to identify it.

When you couldn’t identify it, where there things you would do to try to satisfy the need?

Well the sucking of my own cuts, but that never did much but cure the need for the taste.  I was always trying to help people solve problems….to take away their negative energy.

How did you find out you were a vampyre, when did that name/archetype come to you?

I didn’t really know until I started doing some research.  Then of all things I met One from the same house that helped me trace back to my House.

The vampire part, I think was first kinda of seeded by the movies sadly enough, but confirmed by the research and then again by finding my brother.

Your brother, was he the one who helped you find your house?


How did that meeting happen?

He had a chat room on a site I go to.  He and His prime and I got to talking one night about our life paths and while we were tracing back she was comparing notes and showing him.

What do you mean by comparing notes?

As He and I were talking she was paying close attention and was noticing similarities in the conversation

Ah, so by those similarities were you made brother and sister?

Not made no, we came to realize that we were from the same house.

And what house is that?


You mentioned before she was your brother’s Prime, what does that mean?

His wife

What was it like after finding your brother and house?

It was enlightening; a relief to know that I wasn’t alone more than anything.

How would you say your nightside life is going now learning and growing wise?

I don’t think I will ever really stop learning and growing because I am very curious about it.  Knowing that there are others out there that I can ask questions of and get straight answers from makes things much easier to accept and puts me at ease with who I am.

You said before your family would not admit to your existence, does that bother you at all now?

Not really…they are conformed to society’s beliefs

Is there anything you’d like others to know who are going through the awakening process?

Don’t be scared of it.  Welcome it and seek knowledge on how to deal with it.

Thank you very much for sharing your time and your experience with us.”

No one person is alike, and neither are their awakenings. Each has their own background, their own beliefs, and circumstances in life:

You could be the heart broken man who came back stronger, the child that heard the wolf’s howl and found his own, the woman who lost her children due to her beliefs, or the empathetic  child licking her cuts and weirding out her friends.

There is no set standard of where you need to come from or how to be, though a general ethics has been drawn up; this is the nightside where the differences that set us apart in the dayside rein.

Russian Vampires

Posted: Wednesday, 15 February, 2012 by deacongray in Articles of Interest, Community Articles, Community Events, Uncategorized

Graveyard Press – Feb 2012

By Deacon Gray

I don’t think Russia will follow the United States way. I don’t think Russia will follow the French way. I’m sure Russia will find its own way.
Anatoly Chubais

Much has changed in Russia since 1985.  Downtown some of the major cities has the flair of better known shopping districts like New York and Paris. The severe anti-religious policies of the Stalin years have been reversed. In 1990 a law on religious freedom was passed, and militant atheism was dropped from the Communist Party platform. Churches have begun to open, and even some of that well-known Russian pessimism isn’t as pervasive as it once was.

Still, in the middle of a country where change is imposed from above instead of rising from the populace, entrepreneurism is only begrudgingly accepted. Russians are more likely to be cautious and conservative defenders of the status quo. Russia’s cruel climate and harsh history has promoted values like stability, security, social order, and predictability. The tried and tested is preferred over the new and unknown. Perhaps with this in mind you can see why it is difficult to imagine a young Vampire community spreading its wings.

Yet, that is exactly what has happened. Perhaps it is the next generation; perhaps it is the budding of a Russian flower of individual growth. Perhaps it just took time for the warm Russian family center to develop within a community of outsiders that now call themselves the Russian Vampire Community (Ru. VC). Representing the Ru. VC “DarkFess” joins us today and we are pleased to introduce him to the general Vampire community, and perhaps learn a little about his community as well.

GYP: Hello DarkFess and welcome.

DarkFess: Good day.

I’m glad I’m here. Pleasantly surprised that there is a place where we can discuss and resolve some issues on the international level. Our community has been looking for cooperation with our foreign friends, whose experience and knowledge helped us so much. I’ll [be] glad to represent Russian Vampire Community (Ru. VC)
Sorry for my English. Sometimes my posts are probably difficult to read. 


GYP: Don’t worry about your posts, they make sense. Will you tell us a little more about how you became aware that you are a vampire?
DarkFess:  I awoke when I was around eighteen years old. I was in self denial and this caused me to live somewhat of a hollow existence. There really wasn’t a lot of information in Russian in which to turn. It’s a long story. As result, I just realized that if I want [to] feel myself, I regularly need blood

GYP: How long have you been active in the Vampire Community?

DarkFess:  In my country (I was born in Ukraine), the Internet only appeared in 1995. So there wasn’t a lot of information out there. Just 4 years ago nobody ever heard the word “sanguinarian”.  I wanted to know more so I founded our community and organized a company to translate articles on “vampire websites” It was difficult knowing what was real. Some discussed the mythical vampires, others pretended they were on one and another “side” in some kind of a war, but they were just trolls and we exposed them.

GYP: Was it hard to develop the community around you with such limited information?

DarkFess:  At first was hard. Fight with ignorance is very difficult. When community just opened, due to influx of poseurs and trolls we had, we had to declare open war on them.

GYP: Open War? I take it you mean you confronted the people who were spreading ignorant statements with real vampire education?

DarkFess:  Yes, fight with ignorance is very difficult. There has been a range of promotional activities from our side. We reached out to others and formed  more favorable impression.

GYP: How do you describe yourself with your local community?

DarkFess:  Well, I’m founder of the Community, and respected member of the community. All the initiatives and the first attempts were on my side. But I have my inspirations, and a strong team that helped me. Together, we created our community and support it now. We manage and make all decisions concerning our current issues and future development. We have no autocracy, everyone is included in community administration – has the same voting power.


GYP: Would you feel safe in coming out as a vampire, pagan or otherkin in your country?
DarkFess:  Yes, why not? But there are misunderstandings that do not help. I do not see any reason to scream and beat fist in chest, to declare to all about identifying yourself as vampire. No, we are not in the shade but not on stage too. We are just here. People come to us themselves. So far, so good.

GYP: You run a website for Russian Vampires, would you tell us a little about it, and why you brought it into being?
DarkFess:  The main purpose was to help those who are awakening. I remember how it was hard for me when my awakening began. Even just a little friendly advice would be enough to help, but there was no one to give such advice.  Also, I created our community because analogues to English speaking websites in Russian-speaking Internet did not exist. This place has become oasis for people like me.

GYP: What was your earliest exposure to the online vampire community?
DarkFess:  The first time I found a site in 2004, but due to technical difficulties the internet (it was  dial-up) I didn`t register. I registered on VCMB only in 2008. How do I find it? To be honest – by chance and even then I was surprised how much this structure was organized.

GYP: Is your community inclusive with pagans and otherkin?

DarkFess:  Yes, for this we have created our Community, for support and understanding. We have good relations with otherkin and others.

GYP: Is there a divide between Psi Vampires and Sang Vampires in your community? Do they get along well?
DarkFess:  No, no we do not have divisions. I read the articles about the possible conflict between the Sang and Psi, but truly I do not understand how this could be.

GYP:How do your friends and family feel about your beliefs?

DarkFess:  Only a close circle of people knows about it, just a couple of friends and my wife. They are fine with it.

GYP: In the USA, there are often issues with finding suitable donors, are there significant feeding issues you deal with?

DarkFess:  No more than any other sang. My Wife is my donor so I don’t have any problems with feeding.

GYP: Would you describe your communities take on vampirism as being similar too, or different from those you see on line from other countries? What makes your community unique?

DarkFess:  Our community message board is similar to, we built it using their experience and achievements. Our local community is different. We are starting new.

GYP: In the USA, we have had scholars such as Joseph Laylock, and more recently D.J. Williams write about real vampires, and conduct some minor research with in their fields at University. Do you have any one like this in Russia?
DarkFess:  Nope. Nothing of this level. Community is still new and developing.

GYP: Do you think Science will discover what we are and find proof of Vampire needs?
DarkFess: I think it’s inevitable.

GYP: Have you read the AVA Vampire Surveys? If so do you think it is moving in the right direction for scientific discovery?

DarkFess:  Of course I read it. Moreover, they are fully translated into Russian. Based on the experience of the AVA, and taking as the basis of their achievements, we have finalized them for ourselves. In 2011, “Research Center of Vampire Community” was opened, which offers everyone an opportunity to complete a questionnaire based on the original VEWRS/AVEWRS model by Suscitatio Enterprises, LLC. The answers are recorded in the general statistical database, and the results are published for free public access. I think that this is the right direction.

GYP: Again I want to thank you for allowing us to conduct this interview and I do hope you will share more with us as time goes on. It has been a rare pleasure to have a guest from Russia and a real eye opener as to your culture, and I expect to see durability and resiliency from the Russian Vampire Community, in the future, traits we have come to expect from your country and people. I was also pleased to see that you have been invited into the VVC

Darkfess: I’m glad to be part of VVC. This is a great honor for me and for our community. Of course. For us, this move is something like the integration into the global VC. I hope that our cooperation will be successful. For me and our community is certainly big step forward. I’m glad to be here, to personally communicate with those whose articles we translated into Russian language for the last 5 years. We have quite a long time trying to find common ground with our foreign friends. I look forward to future.

10 delightfully wicked brews

Posted: Wednesday, 15 February, 2012 by deacongray in Food & Fun, Uncategorized

 Every once in a while I like to drag all the local Werewolves, Vampires, and just plain wicked people who like good beer down to a local watering whole called Brewforia. One of them suggested that we take a long hard look at some of the more colorful labels, and offer a list of some of the more wicked brews. So we selected 10, no real order…perhaps more disorder involved in the selections. I hope you enjoy.

ABA did not make the main list, but it always makes my list so I thought I would add it. Enjoy the write up, there are more like it on some of the other beers.

“This is an aggressive ale. You probably won’t like it. It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to be able to appreciate an ale of this quality and depth. We would suggest that you stick to safer and more familiar territory–maybe something with a multi-million dollar ad campaign aimed at convincing you it’s made in a little brewery, or one that implies that their tasteless fizzy yellow beverage will give you more sex appeal. Perhaps you think multi-million dollar ad campaigns make things taste better. Perhaps you’re mouthing your words as you read this.

At Stone Brewing, we believe that pandering to the lowest common denominator represents the height of tyranny – a virtual form of keeping the consumer barefoot and stupid. Brought forth upon an unsuspecting public in 1997, Arrogant Bastard Ale openly challenged the tyrannical overlords who were brazenly attempting to keep Americans chained in the shackles of poor taste. As the progenitor of its style, Arrogant Bastard Ale has reveled in its unprecedented and uncompromising celebration of intensity. There have been many nods to Arrogant Bastard Ale…even outright attempts to copy it… but only one can ever embody the true nature of liquid Arrogance!”

10. Wychcraft

A pale golden potion with delicate red hues, WychCraft Golden Ale has a heady burst of fresh citrus aroma derived from three infusions of Styrian golding hops. A sprig of gentle warming malty flavour finishes with a dry biscuit note and a counterpoise of bitterness.

WychCraft’s innovative new recipe includes adding three infusions of Styrian Goldings hops to the copper, to create a highly aromatic brew, bursting with succulent citrus and lime hop character. A light base of delicately flavoured English Fuggles hops, and the use of a lager malt, help retain the signature hop character and create a wonderfully aromatic and fragrant summertime beer. Beguiling to the end…



9. Avery 2010 Mephistopholes Stout 1 12 oz Bottle Overview

Ratebeer give Avery’s Mephistopholes Stout a very well deserved 99 points out of a possible  Mephistopheles is the crafty shape shifter, the second fallen angel. Amazingly complex, coal black, velvety and liqueurish, this demon has a bouquet of vine-ripened grapes, anise and chocolate covered cherries with flavors of rum-soaked caramelized dark fruits and a double espresso finish. IBU’s 107.

Mephistopheles is the final installment of “The Demons of Ale” series.


Avery White Rascal Belgian Style White Ale

Beer Style: Belgian White Ale Hop Variety: Czech Saaz Malt Variety: Two-row barley, Belgian wheat OG: 1.050   ABV: 5.6%   IBUs: 10 Color: White A truly authentic Belgian style wheat or “white” ale, this Rascal is unfiltered (yup, that’s yeast on the bottom) and cleverly spiced with coriander and Curacao orange peel producing a refreshingly fruity thirst quencher.

7. Caldera Vas Deferens Ale 22 oz Bottle
8.1% abv Belgian-Style Strong Ale brewed with blood orange zest, orange bitters, and dark Belgian candi sugar. This ale is not meant to reproduce! Limited availability.

6. Grand teton Black Cauldren


There are few styles of beer more flavorful than Imperial Stout. Our thick, rich version was brewed with plenty of caramel and roasted malts and subtly spiced with American Chinook and Styrian Goldings hops. We’ve accentuated the natural smokiness of the brew by adding a small amount of beechwood-smoked malt. At 22 degrees starting gravity and 8.0% alcohol by volume, this beer boasts flavors of chocolate and coffee, along with raisins and dried fruit soaked in sherry.

Black Cauldron is a strong ale, best enjoyed in moderation, and paired with full-flavored grilled or roasted meats or with dessert. Chocolate cakes, truffles, fruit tarts, caramel flan or crème brûlée are all excellent matches.

 Mayhem is a deliberate Double IPA, brewed and conditioned with a special Belgian yeast that contributes complexity and spice. Abundant American hops offer grapefruit, pine, must and mint, which play off the fullness and sweetness of pale malts then provide a biting yet enticing finish.

Mayhem Double IPA accents the complex spice combinations found in Thai, Indian, Cajun, Morrocan, Mexican and Southwest American cuisines as well as BBQ marinades, dry rubs and sauces.

4. Midnight Sun’s Fallen Angel Golden Ale is a traditional Belgian-style golden strong ale–deep gold in color with tiny, conniving bubbles forming a very thick, meticulous head. Effervescent and crisp, this delicious ale tempts the palate with apple, pear and a little earthy mustiness. Its beauty and brightness is angel-like in appearance but the devil in is its strength.

3. Dead Guy Ale
Dead Guy is a German-style Maibock made with Rogue‘s proprietary “PacMan” ale yeast. It is deep honey in color with a malty aroma, rich hearty flavor and a well balanced finish. Dead Guy is created from Northwest Harrington, Klages, Maier Munich and Carastan malts, along with Perle and Saaz Hops



krampus Imperial Helles Lager

are you naughty or nice?

St. Nicholas, aka Santa Claus, is a magical figure, the bringer of gifts and an icon of holiday spirit. Forgotten by most is his evil side kick and enforcer of ‘the list’. European tradition says while St. Nick is busy delivering presents to good little boys and girls, Krampus hands out punishments to the bad. A fanged, goat-horned bully, the Christmas Devil uses sticks and chains to beat the naughty children. Dark malts and aromatic hops create the diabolical spirit of this brew. It is finished with lager yeast and aged cold for no less than 30 days. This Imperial Helles Lager will warm even the darkest hearts.

This season, replace the cookies with a bottle of Krampus. If he happens to pay a visit, toast to him with this devilish brew. Merry Kramp-mas to all, and to all a good pint!
9.0% abv. • 20º plato • Imperial Helles Lager • 22 oz / 1/6 keg

1. Wychwood King Goblin Special Reserve Red Ale 16.9 oz Bottle

Brewed only on a Full Lunar Moon.

As the full moon casts its eerie light over the shadowy old Eagle Brewery, a magical brew gurgles forth from the casks.

A beer enlivened by the energies of the universe, when the elements are converging into a harmonious alignment. Truly a brew fit for a celestial majesty.

King Goblin is hand crafted from roasted chocolate and crystal malts, with a timely infusion of fuggles, sovereign, styrian and cascade hops to produce an indulgently rich, full, smooth beer of exceptional quality and character.

Recommended Rosé

Pamela Geddes (Spain) La Rosita 2003

OK, not a Champage, but a delightful sparkling rosé from one of the most interesting winemakers around, Scot Pamela Geddes. Pamela gave up a career in the Scotch Whisky industry to make wine, first in Australia, then South America, and finally at her own winery near Barcelona in Catalunya. This is Pamela’s sparkling Monastrell rosé a 12.5% beauty with a pale pomegranate colour, delightfully small, persistent bubbles and a nose crammed with fresh, summery berries, a touch of briar and a delicious creaminess. On the palate it is off-dry, with super ripe berry fruit, and a character of cream and strawberry pulp. The acidity is beautifully judged, with the mousse soft yet persistent, in a really lovely wine. £9.99, Cornelius, Hendersons, Peckhams, Luvians,

If the idea of matching Champagne to curry brought you up short a couple of sentences ago, I’m not surprised. That, too, would have been my reaction until last year, when I got to taste the latest releases of Krug with a selection of curries. A pairing of Malabar lobster – all coconut sauce and delicate spicing – with the Grande Cuvée stands out in my memory as one of the best matches of the year. But rich, weighty Champagnes, such as Krug’s Grande Cuvée, Bollinger’s Grande Année and Mumm’s Grande Cuvée are natural matches for richer styles of seafood, whether spiced or not. A relatively plain dish of lobster (or even langoustines) grilled and then smothered in butter, partnered with a green salad and one of the above wines would be my idea of Valentine’s Day heaven.


I might even be tempted to partner such a wine – especially one with a bit of cellar age – with foie gras terrine on toasted brioche. Not only do the flavours of wine and dish complement each other, I honestly think that a rich, dry wine with good acidity (such as Champagne) is a far better match for foie gras than Sauternes or other sweet wines, as I find the traditional pairing somewhat cloying and sickly.

Corvis Nocturnum is a writer made famous by books like Embracing Darkness: Understanding Dark Subcultures and Allure of the Vampire: Our Attraction to the Undead. His association with names like Don Henrie and Michelle Belanger quickly gained him a note within the vampire community, but, despite exposure and success, there is little known about Corvis Nocturnum.

Who is he? Who is the man behind the name? Where did he come from? For that matter, how did fate toss him in with Witches and Vampires?

The Graveyard Press goes to investigate.

Interviewer: Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

Corvis Nocturnum: I am an author of many occult and subculture/pop cultural books for Schiffer Publishing and my own company, Dark Moon Press, started back in 2005. I paint Gothic erotica and fantasy art in my spare time. My background in the fields of Criminal Justice and Business Management has helped in business of course, but I am using the legal aspects to see how I might assist various communities such as alternative religions rights advocacy.

Interviewer: You’re a civil rights advocate for different communities, as you’ve stated. What inspired you to advocate for community rights? Would you consider it a passion of yours?

Corvis Nocturnum: I would guess it comes from being a bully victim as a child. It is a byproduct of having a mind of a rebel and author I guess, in a lot of ways I am inspired by Humanist Voltaire for his scathing pamphlets during the Age of Reason, and Anton LaVey’s book The Devil’s Notebook.

Interviewer: Would you say it inspires your writing?

Corvis Nocturnum: Several things inspire me. I have a curious mind and when I set out with an essay or book it is because it holds some personal connection to me and I want to understand it deeper as well as educate others.

Interviewer: You admitted to having been bullied. Were you considered different, or out of place?

Corvis Nocturnum: I was the quiet geek who sat in the corner reading a book or drawing, did not like gym and so I didn’t make many friends! Being shy pale and thin was not an asset as a child.

Interviewer: Overall, what was your childhood like?

Corvis Nocturnum: Many foster homes, traveling the country with an alcoholic father and being beat up as a kid in school. It maybe the root of me not liking the world as a whole and wanting to learn more about criminal justice field as a side career!

Interviewer: Did strange things happen to you? Did you see strange things? Is that how you developed an interest in vampirism and other subcultures?

Corvis Nocturnum: Not really, but I grew up curious and wanting to know anything about everything spooky. I read voraciously, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Shelly’s Frankenstein, Poe and J.R.R. Tolkien between ages of eight and twelve, along with assorted miscellaneous classics.

Interviewer: Where are you from?

Corvis Nocturnum: My city of birth and place of business is Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Interviewer: When you were a child, did you ever think you’d be involved with Satanism, vampirism and so forth? What did you imagine yourself doing?

Corvis Nocturnum: Sort of! I wanted to be Batman, you know, have a cool dark place to contemplate ways to punish the villains and have a beautiful house full of fancy carved wood staircases. I, in truth wanted to be an artist for comic companies which is part of how I got into doing fantasy art.

Interviewer: Do you have siblings? Is anyone in your family like you?

Corvis Nocturnum: I have two brothers who ended up working for large mainstream corporations. My grandparents were into law and especially my grandmother loved odd things – my grandfather was a Mason so I came by it honestly. My father and a few others in the family were artists and musicians.

Interviewer: Do they know what you do?

Corvis Nocturnum: My uncle and my brother do. The rest of the family is either deceased or moved so far out of contact with us they don’t count. The family that does know is pretty accepting of it and me as a person, not family angst rebellion here. They made more of a fuss when I said I wanted to move to New York to pursue working for Marvel Comics at twenty than at what I do now for a living!

Interviewer: How does your involvement with Real Vampires and similar subcultures affect your life?

Corvis Nocturnum: It effects me in the sense that I enjoy the company of those unique individuals who identify themselves as such. It enriches my life to a deeper and broader understanding that we are all different even if we choose to be classed in a similar manner.

Interviewer: Has your association with subcultures and beliefs changed your world views and attitude towards people?

Corvis Nocturnum: I feel I already was open when I became involved, so growing and learning as I went over the years as a part of the cultures it truly makes it difficult to be outside of the whole. It would be like saying being right handed effects my life positively or negatively, it is not a correlated event outside of life, it is a part of it.

Interviewer: Do you think a person can associate with these subcultures and beliefs, then leave unaffected? Why or Why not?

Corvis Nocturnum: You either are or are not a part of it no matter how you change or adjust. I don’t think it ever truly leaves you even if you wander off into a different path in life. A love of these things is an aspect, an extension of the inner deeper you.

Interviewer: What good things has it brought to you?

Corvis Nocturnum: It has brought me friends, wonderful memories and enlightenment of others.

Interviewer: What bad things has it brought?

Corvis Nocturnum: Narrow minded people who do not want to understand their children despite my best efforts. Fanatic ‘fans’ who insist I am withholding the secrets of being a fictional vampire and get hostile in chatting on Facebook…letters from people who have mental issues. It is an interesting life being a writer of the type books I do. Fame does have its drawbacks.

Interviewer: What do you hope for the communities and religions, as whole?

Corvis Nocturnum: For people to realize their path is for them alone and we cannot force our way onto others. That line of thinking has lead to the majority of all deaths over the centuries for no positive outcome for anyone.

Interviewer: Would you wish your path on another person? Why or Why not?

Corvis Nocturnum: Each person must find their own path. Mine is for the objectivist who grounds themselves into realism. Other people need outside beliefs beyond themselves, so all of us in truth need to seek what works for us as unique human beings. You cannot ‘make’ yourself a Satanist for example, you either are or you are not….besides, it would be a boring place if we were all alike, wouldn’t it?

Interviewer: You seem to have a broad interest (From La Vey to Voltaire). What are your interest, outside of alternative beliefs/practices and subcultures?

Corvis Nocturnum: I love movies, everything from Underworld to Hannibal Rising and Bad Boys.  I have a vast library; I read everything from Ayn Rand and Nietzsche to Laurel K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake saga. I paint of course and love shooting. I was in the Army and gained a Sharpshooters medal for my trouble and to this day keep my skills up.

Interviewer: You’re a writer, but you rarely speak of other artistic talents. Obviously, from advertising, you’re a painter. Can you tell us about it? How did you get involved with it? What sparked your interest?

Corvis Nocturnum: I have always loved art and many people in my family were professional artists. I learned from books about sketching and watch Bob Ross then started doing oils after seeing the fantasy art of Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo, Larry Elmore of many Dragonlance saga (whom I meet at a few conventions later) and later when I came across Luis Royo (of Heavy Metal Magazine) and Joseph Vargo I was enthralled. I would say Royo and Joseph Vargo mixed is my personal style of art, heavy Gothic merged with erotica. For my birthday one year I traveled to Cleveland and Joseph was kind enough to share with me how he painted the stonework on his gargoyles! You can see that in a few of my newer works and art pieces I will be doing later this year. Joseph astounded me by writing the introduction to my art book that I hope to put out this fall.

Interviewer:Why did you get into writing? How did it happen?

Corvis Nocturnum: That is an interested aspect of my life I never saw coming actually. I was helping run an occult shop that sold Gothic art and goods and came up with the thought of explaining all the wonderful and diverse people to the general public, as there are and were so many stereotypes and misconceptions out there after things like Columbine shooting and that witches are evil, Satanists are all Devil worshipers. I knew it was false so I did my research, found history in books and interviewed people on their own perspectives. That led me to meet some incredible people out there. Michelle Belanger had just come out with her first book and was traveling with the band URN doing vocals. I spoke to her online and we set up a meeting. She was not only delighted to be interviewed but loved the concept of the book so much wrote the introduction. I simply began doing more books as offshoots of that first idea. With Michelle and others joining, that one book later became a publishing house of many more titles!

Interviewer: Since Dark Moon Press publishes esoteric material, I assume you have an interest in and experience with it. Where did that start? How did that start?

Corvis Nocturnum: I have been fascinated by the non-mainstream paths people take in life for some time. My grandfather and his father before him were Masons of a pretty high degree and my grandmother traveled with gypsies in Vaudeville days so she told me stories as a child. I was opened minded and went from dark paganism to Satanism when a friend in our group introduced me to Anton LaVey’s works back in the year 2003.

Interviewer: Why did you choose to work with Schiffer Publishing? Why not Llywellyn Press, like Michelle Belanger?

Corvis Nocturnum: I actually did pitch Promethean Flame to them, and it was of interest to the acquisitions staff. However it was a bit advanced and academic and not a ‘how to’ work so they passed on it. I discovered Schiffer when Reverend Tim Shaw of The Black Cat Lounge Radio spoke to me about a lot of paranormal writers and scholars doing books with Schiffer. My editor is very deeply interested in all things supernatural like ghosts and UFOs so she welcomed Cemetery Gates and I Lucifer. Their books are beautiful, the paper quality makes the color photos leap out at you and the layout is excellent. I am very happy with the company in bringing my vision to life. Schiffer actually asks for my input on cover design and Lucifer was almost totally my concept so I have no issues working with them.

Interviewer: Why did you choose “Corvis Nocturnum” for a name? What does it mean? Does it have special significance for you?

Corvis Nocturnum: My pen name came about for several reasons. I wanted a screen name back while I was researching my first book, Embracing the Darkness: Understanding Dark Subcultures, for AOL chat rooms. It was important to me to be able to relate to my audience that I was indeed a part of the culture (and still am) and as I continued to write essays and more books, the name stayed. As well I was part of an eclectic group of pagans, LHP and spiritualists, and the name fit my personality. Corvis, derived off of corvus (crow/raven species) is because the birds mannerisms and general characteristics were the same as mine, and being part Cherokee my mother and my significant other at the time both selected Koga as a name for me – which in English means Crow. I opted for Nocturnum as the Latin was Gothic sounding and I am a huge fan of the works by friend Joseph Vargo’s art. His work inspired that part.

Interviewer: Can you tell us about your beliefs? Are you a practicing Pagan and/or Witch?

Corvis Nocturnum: At this point, I am a Warlock in the Church of Satan, and have been a proud card carrying member of Magus Anton LaVey’s order. They represent everything I hold dear in regards to how to push ones self further every day. I rarely do rituals, and so when I do they are more powerful to me because of it.

Interviewer: How does Satanism affect your life?

Corvis Nocturnum: In Satanism it is more about how I affect it. I don’t judge the things I do or think as if they are Satanic in nature. It either is or is not an aspect of who you are deep down, I am therefore affecting Satanism by being true to my own wants, needs and desires.

Interviewer: How did you discover the OVC (Online Vampire Community)?

Corvis Nocturnum: I’ve always been fascinated by vampires in any form. I found out about them after watching Mad, Mad House on Sci-Fi channel when I started writing Embracing the Darkness: Understanding Dark Subcultures. I Googled the show and came across Michelle Belanger and then through her Don Henrie. We all became friends and it opened me up to such a fascinating world of creative and brilliant people!

Interviewer: Do you consider yourself a vampire?

Corvis Nocturnum: I relate to the archetype, and if I had to class myself as lifestyle for the Gothic trappings (black marble tiled flooring, candle sconces all over my bedroom) but as an exact ‘living vampire’, no.

Interviewer: What’s your take on vampires?

Corvis Nocturnum: Well, I went into some depth on that in Allure of the Vampire: Our Sexual Attraction to the Undead, but, to be brief, I will say that it depends on if you are speaking metaphorically of the community and the fictional vampire, or strictly literary one.

As for the community members, they are like anyone else. They are part of a family of their blood, and also of extended family – one that truly does accept them for who and what they think and feel they are, despite most of the world thinking they are mentally disturbed. If you look at it in a metaphysical context, things like vampirism has been around in one form or another for generations, and the various occult practices surrounding it has since been the Knights Templar and other secret societies that lead to the creation of The Golden Dawn.

Interviewer: As vampires mainstream, what do you see coming for them? Especially with Merticus’s research floating around?

Corvis Nocturnum: I’m not sure exactly. I know the extensive research may indeed prove invaluable as no one before him has attempted to seriously collect such information about people in the community before this. I think it may be the subject of further sincere testing by professionals who seek to explore the possibilities. After all, even the military experimented with astral projection and other mental clairvoyance in the past. Who knows what might be the next stage of things to come?

Interviewer: Do you think physical evidence will be discovered to support vampirism?

Corvis Nocturnum: It has been looked into by many scientists who found out about it, such as Michelle Belanger and Don Henrie partaking in examinations by doctors televised. It is such a hard thing to pin down on what ‘it’ is in general so therein lies much of the difficulty in the first place.

Interviewer: What do you think mainstreaming is doing to subcultures like Vampires, Otherkin and Therians?

Corvis Nocturnum: It is both helpful and harmful – the typical double edged sword. As fictional vampires coming at us from Hollywood, the subculture gets more media coverage so some individuals get harassment. While it also causes a growing awareness to those seeking advice from older, wiser members from the community which they would not have located as easy before.

Interviewer: Do you agree with mainstreaming?

Corvis Nocturnum: I of course enjoy keeping up with the fiction and film of vampires, provided it is well done, but I feel when things such as “Goth” become too trendy everyone jumps on the bandwagon and saturates it to the point it pollutes the true core of sincere community. That makes it to the point where people who have made it a part of who they are want to hide until it quietly slips away from the masses attention. Most of us simply are what we are and do not want the majority to be connected with them.

Interviewer: What advice do you give to newly mainstreaming vampires?

Corvis Nocturnum: Don’t be a part of something if it is not who and what you are. The elders are running out of patience and so it makes it harder for the truly sincere people from getting what they seek.

Interviewer: What are your professional goals?

Corvis Nocturnum: I want to make Dark Moon Press the polar opposite of Llewylln, sort of dark occult meets Feral House Book Company. Edgy yet educational books, classics reprinted, and for fans of horror. Personally, I am shopping around a future book concept to several television production companies, such as Sci-Fi but I may go with Discovery Channel instead. Unfortunately, due to my contract with Schiffer, I can’t publicly reveal the nature of the show for another year or so. Keep an eye on my Face book in the next year for clues though!

Interiewer: As an established writer and artist, do you have any words for aspiring writers and artist?

Corvis Nocturnum: Do what you love, not for the money. That comes later if the passion to create is there. True talent and hard work will get you exposure, especially if you network. Most of all, believe in yourself, master public speaking and listen to advice of those who you look up to.

Interiewer: What are your favorite tools or brands to paint with? What types of painting do you enjoy most?

Corvis Nocturnum: I use Windsor Newton mostly, and soft acrylic brushes. Stiff yet highly flexible hairs make the painting less chunky and blend for softer tones. I like using very fine brushes for detailing and fan brushes do clouds, hair and smoke very well.

I usually do oils only, but sometimes for faster working of heavy shadows will do washes of black acrylic paint as it dries fast then do layers of oil over it. Thinning the oils down with thinner or linseed oil is a handy trick to get exact levels of color and tone.

Interviewer: How do you see yourself?

Corvis Nocturnum: I see myself as a writer, artist and someone who loves the darker side of  life. Primarily a scholar of a great deal of subjects, because everything I write is a curiosity that I wanted to explore.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Corvis Nocturnum for his interview. We hope to see more books by this author.


Military Pagans

Posted: Sunday, 5 February, 2012 by deacongray in Uncategorized

“What Are You Trying to be, Some Kind of a Witch?”
He was a big guy, a really big guy, and he was standing at the foot of my bunk in his underwear with a gleam in his green eyes that read malice in every way. I no longer remember his name; Army Basic Training was nineteen years ago after all, but the look on his face, the smirk, the malice, the weird sense of glee that his body language spoke still sticks in my head.

“I’m not trying to be anything.” I said as I remained seated by my wall locker. I knew how guys like him worked; he was looking for a reason to pick a fight, to mock me or just plain be a bully. If I stood up, it would be considered defensive, an easier target; if I stayed put and kept reading my book, there was a small chance he would have left.

A friend from basic training, Rodgers, and I had spent half the morning reading teachings from a group called Circle Wicca –or Circle Sanctuary, like I said it has been a lot of years. We had drawn more than one pair of considering eyes over the few hours we talked, however no one really bothered us. Rodgers was a short guy like me, but he was massive in muscle and aggression; even the bullies did not mess with him much physically, and with my love of debate they didn’t want to engage me on that front.

There was no point in harassing us, yet the bully caught me at the most opportune moment – when Rodgers was not around. I was a scrawny kid, couldn’t have been more than one hundred and fifteen pounds; though I was quick as a whip and somewhat skilled, I wasn’t foolish enough to think there was much I could do against a guy that had been a high school wrestling champion. Simply put: he would kick my ass quick and easy.

“So you think you can cast spells? Why don’t you turn me into a frog?” He scoffed.

I was lucky. Rodgers showed up just as the guy started seriously mocking me, and Rodgers had been considered just insane enough to bite someone’s ear off.

“He’s a Buddhist, you big, dumb ox. I’m the one who casts spells.”

Now after our conversations it became pretty obvious what Rodgers’s “spells” were all about in his view; they were ritual, energy focus and direction. No one was going to be turned into a frog obviously, but Rodgers firmly believed his spells would have some effect, even if only in the minds of the people he used them on.

“You know what dude, you are just like the guys who beat up my little brother. I watched him cry and bleed because some ignorant piece of shit like you decided his faith was something to make fun of.”

“It is. It is just some kind of a little game you play to make yourself feel special or different.”

I suppose I remember those words because it was those words that sparked the fight.
Rodgers leapt on this great, big guy like a pissed off primate and the fight wasn’t over until our Drill Sergeant came out of his office and broke it up. Rodgers had blood flowing from his lips and nose, his eyes were swelling and the whites of his eyes were already filling with blood. The big guy was better off in a lot of ways; his own nose was broken, and he had a large bite mark on his cheek, he was going to be fine.

I was the least hurt of the three of us; I had jumped on the guy’s back somewhere in the mix and held on right up until the Drill Sergeants broke the fight up. So other than a really sore back, from being bashed against a wall locker, and bloodied nose from the totally ineffectual head-butt I attempted I wasn’t all that worse for wear. Even so, we had stood up for ourselves (Rodgers more than me) and that was something to feel good about.

“Just tell me when you want more, Witch! I will mess you up!” the raging heap of ignorance yelled, answered by Rodgers trying to get up and attack him all over again. Of course by then the Drill Sergeants were all in the bay and holding the two apart. When they found out what the fight was over, the big guy got moved to another platoon, but that didn’t stop the mocking, which he got others in his new platoon to join in on.

I would have thought the whole experience was a bad one except for two things: one of the Drill Sergeants called me and Rodgers into his office and told us that he was a practicing Shaman. (Ok, I wasn’t educated enough to understand the details, and still won’t claim to understand all he talked about.) But what I did get from the conversation was that we were not as isolated as we once thought. The Drill Sergeant told us that we could expect a lot of people to give us crap, we were different, but that it was up to us to show that our faiths strengthened us. He told us we needed to show people we were not just looking for attention and really push to be the best in the class. So show that yes, we were different, but we were also amazing soldiers.

I went on from Basic Training and Advanced Infantry training to Panama for three years, Rodgers went to Hawaii, Air Assault School. I heard from him from time to time as he tried to set up things like Pagan Worship services, though he hit more roadblocks than success. The Chaplin at the time in Hawaii, he told me, has threatened him with non-judicial punishment for attempting to start pagan services. Eventually, he was kicked out of the military for “Failure to Adapt” –I have little doubt that discrimination did not play a role in that outcome. Others over the years have had more success. As of now, the Chaplin’s handbook has a whole section on Wicca and how to interact with soldiers who practice Wicca and Pagan faiths. They are instructed to allow for services, and not to discriminate. There are groups like the Pagan Military Association that are pushing hard for a Pagan Chaplin to be brought into the military. All of these things are pretty big milestones, but the discrimination still exists.

Today I am still in the military, and I have climbed the ladder and understand the difficulties in getting a pagan Chaplin onboard. You have to have a degree in Theology, have to be in good standing from your denomination for several years, and recognized as a Spiritual Leader (Priest, Reverend, Rabbi, etc.) a process that takes a good amount of time. Most of those who are trying to become Chaplin’s simply do not have the required experience, education and standing to pull it off. Those who do don’t seem all that interested in joining the military. A lot of us are eclectic in our beliefs, with no organization that can give us the right recommendation, or help us to build a record of time serving as a “Spiritual Leader“.

I am still proud of what my fellow pagans have achieved. They won the right to pagan symbols on grave markers, and the right to have services; although Pagan holidays still go unrecognized. As of right now I haven’t heard or found a Pagan Chaplin, however I believe we will have one within the next few years.

It is hard for Pagans to come out to the public, harder still once they have and are dealing with something like a Military tour of service. It is people like that drill Sergeant who took the time to talk to a few young men and tell them to stay strong, that reminds me that we are not beyond progress.

Just in case you are wondering what happened to the bully: I was told that he went to airborne school and got into a lot of fights, eventually ending up with a broken knee that he earned not from skydive, but from a fight. You see, he decided it was a good idea to make fun of a group of guys who wore cut-off jean jackets with a patch that said “Pagan’s MC”, a well-known, and at times dangerous, Motorcycle Club.

( this article will be appearing beside many others in the “Walking the Path of the Ancient Ways”
A collection of magick from various pagan authors